Many caudex species of Euphorbia can be propagated with root cutting.
My E. waringiae had root rot before, and the main caudex were destroy.It's been 7 year and she grow back a lot of small tuberous root.
When I re-pot this year, I found that these roots were too crowded, and decided to trim them.
And experiment with root cutting
The time is 2019/June, the temperature is around 30C.
took it off, rinse it, let it dry for a few days, then cut the small root with a knife.I am using a scalpel.
the latex will ruin the knife so it's better to use replaceable blade.
After cutting, it is planted directly, and the wound remains above 1 cm of the soil surface. Whether or not to water immediately has no different.
After that, water after the soil is completely dry.Just like any other euphorbia.
put it indoor with part shade windowsill will be perfect.
My mixture is fine coarse sand pumice and akadama.With no organic at all.
(special design for madagascar caudedx Euphorbia )
As long as the proper temperature (25C~35C) is maintained, the sunlight is't directly, it will sprout in about 30~60 days.
This method is slower than cutting, but has a 100% success rate.
This is what look like after 2 month
wow translate
2019年8月10日 星期六
Euphorbia waringiae 根插教學
我的這株waringiae 之前曾經根腐,主要的塊根爛掉了。 7年後長出了許多新的小塊根。
進行的時間是2019/6月 氣溫都有30C左右
2019年8月9日 星期五
新物種介紹 Euphorbia gigantea 巨人花麒麟
Euphorbia gigantea 巨人花麒麟
他是原產馬達加斯加東南部Anosy region,乾燥森林的巨大花麒麟。
花朵有強烈的紅黃線條,是花麒麟類(Goniostema)最大的物種 。
New species of crown of thorns published in 2018.
This species has been available in the market around 201X, but the supply is extreme limited.. It was sold under the name of Euphorbia sp. nov now she finally has a name.
She is native to the Anosy region of southeastern Madagascar, biome is dry forests. a Gigantic crown of thorns The meaning of it;s Latin name is self explanatory.
It can grow up to 6 meters in the habita, and can easily exceed 100 centimeters in cultivation. It is easy to Identify the old specimen by the iconic size and branching branch other then base. straight and slender ascending up , forming a funnel shape. She is the biggest among crown of thorns .
There are obvious short branches, which means that the leaves will grow on the small clumps on the stems, and new leaves will grow repeatedly forever. every year.Same as Alluaudia, Fouqeria.
Many species related to crown of thorns share this short branch characteristics, but she is particularly obvious. Flowers have strong red-yellow stripe.
容易和他混淆的物種是Euphorbia croizatii,這兩者都有往上長高,分枝少且直立,條紋花,短枝的特徵。
gigantea 很容易就可以長到50 甚至100公分
2.gigantea 的葉子是松石綠色,croizatii是普通的綠色。
不知道什麼是松石綠色? 就是像龍神木那樣白藍白藍綠綠的。
光山認為最好辨認的特徵是大小和分支差異,還有價錢 $$$$$。
The species is easily confused with Euphorbia croizatii, both of share the characteristics of straight and slender , less branched and erect, striped flower, and short branches.
However, it can be identified by the following features:
1. Croizatii is not easy to grow more than 50 cm in cultivation.
Gigantea can easily grow to 50 or even 100 cm
2. The leaves of gigantea are turquoise green, and the croizatii is ordinary green.
If you put the two plants together, it is easy to see the difference.
3..gigantea flowers are a little bigger than croizatii, the stripes are more obvious
But note that the flower stripes will be affected by the environment!
Insufficient sunlight is possible to produce light-striped flowers.
kohinoor believes that the best distinguishing features are size and branch differences, as well as the price $$$$$.
There seems to be no major issue regards of cultivation . Other then it's a slow grower.
Reproduction can rely on cuttings. However, because of his growth habits , there are very few branches can be cut. is difficult to Reproduction in big number.
E. gigantea 和E. croizatii 的花差異不大。
Protologue(THE paper which describe this species for the first time):
Deux nouvelles espèces d'euphorbes ( Euphorbia L. section Goniostema , Euphorbiaceae) de la région de Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar
this paper is diamond-open-access.
他是原產馬達加斯加東南部Anosy region,乾燥森林的巨大花麒麟。
花朵有強烈的紅黃線條,是花麒麟類(Goniostema)最大的物種 。
New species of crown of thorns published in 2018.
This species has been available in the market around 201X, but the supply is extreme limited.. It was sold under the name of Euphorbia sp. nov now she finally has a name.
She is native to the Anosy region of southeastern Madagascar, biome is dry forests. a Gigantic crown of thorns The meaning of it;s Latin name is self explanatory.
It can grow up to 6 meters in the habita, and can easily exceed 100 centimeters in cultivation. It is easy to Identify the old specimen by the iconic size and branching branch other then base. straight and slender ascending up , forming a funnel shape. She is the biggest among crown of thorns .
There are obvious short branches, which means that the leaves will grow on the small clumps on the stems, and new leaves will grow repeatedly forever. every year.Same as Alluaudia, Fouqeria.
Many species related to crown of thorns share this short branch characteristics, but she is particularly obvious. Flowers have strong red-yellow stripe.
容易和他混淆的物種是Euphorbia croizatii,這兩者都有往上長高,分枝少且直立,條紋花,短枝的特徵。
gigantea 很容易就可以長到50 甚至100公分
2.gigantea 的葉子是松石綠色,croizatii是普通的綠色。
不知道什麼是松石綠色? 就是像龍神木那樣白藍白藍綠綠的。
光山認為最好辨認的特徵是大小和分支差異,還有價錢 $$$$$。
The species is easily confused with Euphorbia croizatii, both of share the characteristics of straight and slender , less branched and erect, striped flower, and short branches.
However, it can be identified by the following features:
1. Croizatii is not easy to grow more than 50 cm in cultivation.
Gigantea can easily grow to 50 or even 100 cm
2. The leaves of gigantea are turquoise green, and the croizatii is ordinary green.
If you put the two plants together, it is easy to see the difference.
3..gigantea flowers are a little bigger than croizatii, the stripes are more obvious
But note that the flower stripes will be affected by the environment!
Insufficient sunlight is possible to produce light-striped flowers.
kohinoor believes that the best distinguishing features are size and branch differences, as well as the price $$$$$.
There seems to be no major issue regards of cultivation . Other then it's a slow grower.
Reproduction can rely on cuttings. However, because of his growth habits , there are very few branches can be cut. is difficult to Reproduction in big number.
E. croizatii 只有20~50公分高
E. gigantea可以輕鬆超過50 在原產地甚至可以長到600公分高
E. croizatii 的刺很密集生長,大小不規則。有一個12~18mm大的主刺,旁邊帶有3~5個小刺(3~8mm大) 在莖上的小突起上長一叢。
E. gigantea的刺則只有一種大小,15mm大的。獨自一根一根散開生長,比較不會一叢一叢的。
E. croizatii,的莖上幾乎全被短枝覆蓋,長滿小叢葉子
E. gigantea的短枝比較少,莖只有一部份被葉子覆蓋。
E. croizatii 8-10 × 5-6 mm 淺綠色
E. gigantea .45 × 22 mm 淺綠色~綠松石色
Protologue(THE paper which describe this species for the first time):
Deux nouvelles espèces d'euphorbes ( Euphorbia L. section Goniostema , Euphorbiaceae) de la région de Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar
this paper is diamond-open-access.
感謝張花友提供照片 注意這個特殊的分支型態
Pay attention to this special branch pattern.
感謝張花友提供照片 注意看葉子是怎麼長出來的
Look how the leaves grow.
感謝張花友提供照片 注意花色的變化
這是同一株植物 但是花朵完全沒有條紋!
This is the same plant but the flowers are completely stripless!
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