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2019年2月8日 星期五

大戟種子的採收法 My Euphorbia harvest method




I try this new method this year: using paper tape
I don't know why,but the glue in  paper tape will not decompose at high temperature.
Other types of tape will melted or decompose in the greenhouse.

After tearing off the paper tape by hand, write on the memory, my propagation plant all have a serial number. Folding the tape together to inclose the whole flower.
This method can make note in-situ , avoiding the insects running around, and capture exploding seed.

The Euphorbia fruit is already macture before it bursts, and a batch of fruit on the same inflorescence will mature at the same time. When one of them bursts open. Wole batch on same inflorescence can be harvest.

嫁接搶救塊根鳳仙 Impatiens tuberosa graft rescue

Impatiens tuberosa  還算好種,在亞熱帶的台灣,實生半年就能養到開花,塊根可以衝到4CM








Impatiens tuberosa is't very hard so to speak . In the subtropical Taiwan, it can be flowered in half a year from seed, and the caudex can be pump up to 4CM.

But he is shockingly prone to root rot.
I tried to cultivate in the water tray and got a very high growth rate of 0.5CM per month, but it rotted at the beginning of September.

My friend kindly give me another seedling in December
In  my second attempt , this time I switched to a drier medium, it still rotten.
I speculated that i water too soon after rept,the wound touch the water and rot.

In short, he is inexplicably prone to sudden rot in a humid environment.
Remind me of Pseudolithos and lithops.

In the second case,the root rot is still in its early stages.A large chunk of caudex still remain. Therefore, I can retain a part of the caudex, which give me  larger touching area when grafted.


I used the balsam flower bought from the local flower market as stuck.

After grafting, it is sealed with parafilm tape. Gently press with  hand to make the parafilms stick to each other and become a hard shell.

Placed on the window sill of indoor sunlight scattering, the temperature is 25~28C

The first try, I put the whole plant into the humid box. As a result, because the water is too abundant, the wound bursts after sucking too much water.

It took only 2 days, I immediately observed it,cut and regraft.
This time he was placed on the window sill and succeeded.
You can clearly see the growth.It's not even growing season yet.