wow translate

2019年3月20日 星期三

葡萄甕的花朵結構 Flower of Cyphostemma jutae

葡萄甕Cyphostemma jutae 屬於雌雄同株的品種,但是關於他花朵細部結構的資料卻很少。
The Handbook of Succulent 上也沒有紀載。
感謝臉書上的花友Ya-ting Lin 提供照片,可以清楚的看到,葡萄甕是屬於雌雄同株異花的。


Cyphostemma 的自交親合性隨物種差異不同,有些要開好幾陀花序才有一個果實,有些一個花序就有10幾個。

Cyphostemma jutae are hermaphrodite,that is it has both male and female part on same plant.

But the detail structure of it;s flower is lacking.Is it  synoecious (with perfect flower)?

or is it monoecious In a narrow sense ? (with male and female flower)

Thanks to my FB friend  Ya-ting Lin i can have these great photo.

Flower Morphology of  Cyphostemma jutae

 Male  flower:
With 4 obvious petal recurving, 4 stamen curve toward central and close together forming a single pole.Pollen can be seen as single blob on the tip.

Female flower:
With 4 obvious nectar glande. Drop of nectar is very obvious .Only 1 style.
A single inflorescence contain both male and female flower.Flower at same time.

The degree of self-compatible vary in Cyphostemma  for about 0.5 fruit per inflorescence to 10 more.

感謝Ya-ting Lin 花友提供照片